Finally this past weekend the skill completed training. I log on and jump into one of m"goal ships". Still can't turn everything on. That's ok, I have a few other ships to try. I try the other ships. Still wasn't able to get everything to turn on in all these ships.
Frustrated and some what annoyed I decided it was time to continue my pilot training in a ship that I can fly.
My beloved Firetail. I love this ship.
I thought I'd start with getting used to the new D-scan setup. I also was able to try out using overheat, sweet. The best way for me to learn things and remember them is by making mistakes, or be in a stressful stressful situations, or both. So what is more stressful then have Brink critique your PvP roam? - That's what I call a recipe for successful night of learning!
In my safe I learn how to turn and off my overheat, shift+click module. Ok, simple, I think I got this, I just have to remember to turn them off so it doesn't burn out or burn out anything else. I figure out I can maybe get two cycles out of my microwarpdrive on overheat, if I'm lucky.
I start off on my route. Make it all the way to Eugales, nothing. One my way back home to Adirain, I pick up a Rifter on scan in a plex in Frarie. I'm going for it. I warp to the plex. I'm getting ready to take gate when all of a sudden a Condor warps in on the same plex. He starts to pull range and shoot. Frozen with overwhelming "Great! Now what do I do?!" feeling, Brink yells "What are you waiting for?! Shoot him!"
I lock him and being to approach and shoot him. My hesitation costs me precious km, I am now to far to get my scrams on him. I hit my microwarpdrive and being to burn towards him. However, I am still not going fast enough to get him within range to really hit him or get a scram on him. I'm taking damage, and I can't get away. Great! I'm going to die.
"OVERHEAT! OVERHEAT! IT'S NOW OR NEVER" Brink is cheering - The lightbulb in my head goes off - (shift+click MWD) - I say a quick prayer as I hit my microwarpdrive. Hoping it gets me close enough to him before burning out. I rocket towards him guns and missiles wide open. I get close enough to scram him, and close enough to really start hitting him hard. He doesn't last much longer.
Condor defeated.
Brink started running, around punching and kicking the air, enough for the both of us, while I sat there completely stunned and suffering from my first case of the good fight shakes.
I say "gf" in local but is not returned, how rude, not returning gf in local is becoming one of my biggest pet peeves. I check out my sweet Condor kill, oh, I see why he was mad - he is 2 years and was just stomped by someone who is barely 2 months old - winning.
I regain composure and begin to figure out what to do next. Great! An Eve-Uni blob showed up. That's just great! I hate blobs. I decide not to push my luck and just head home to end my night on a high note and enjoy what was left of my good fight shakes.
N. Albosa